Missions Training
People of all ages from many nations coming together because somewhere deep in their hearts they know they are called to something bigger than themselves. People bringing their skills, talents and willing hearts to love and serve the poor. Maturing in faith as they put into practice the things that they believe.
Missions Work
Your time here may be spent working in rural or inner-city areas of Arad or in a support role such as in DECE Clothing, or in administration. Each community is very different and work will vary from children’s/youth clubs, teaching, working in pre and postnatal care, delivering firewood and distributing flour, digging in gardens, repairing houses, helping women learn how to crochet and sew, and more.
The keyword is service and we may ask you to serve in any of these areas. If you don’t have the heart to serve and get your hands dirty, then this is not the place for you.
The aim is allowing the love of Jesus to be visible in you and through you.

We believe your time here will be significant in your spiritual growth and we want to dedicate time for you to spend in study, in prayer and in processing everything that God is teaching you. You will receive teaching from our long-term mission team and from time-to-time guest speakers. During your time here, you may also be given assignments based on the teaching and the reading material you will receive during your time with us.
Mission is about living out a very practical faith. Working directly with the poor and serving others brings us practically face-to-face with some of Jesus’ key teachings about the poor and a servant heart, our response to them, and His Kingdom and how we are to bring this in a very real way around us in our daily lives. The Word becomes, in a very real way, both “living and active”. Our style of teaching includes lectures, discussion groups, and workshops, rooted in practical experience and constantly anchored in the Word.